December, And It's Still 80 Degrees Out...
You know that old phrase "wow, it seems like it was just yesterday when..."? Well, it seems like it was just yesterday when it was August, and then it was suddenly November, and Thanksgiving was upon us before we realized. The fact that it's still summer outside may possibly have something to do with this. No visual cues, no reddening leaves, no crisp cold fall air. To tell you the truth, it wasn't quite the same.
Now it's December and we're still walking about in shorts, t-shirts and sunglasses. We've figured that we had best start now getting psyched for Christmas; the tree is up, which makes this officially the first time in all the time we've known each other that the tree was actually up on December 1. It may actually be the first time we've gotten the tree up more than 48 hours before Christmas Eve, but that's another story. :-)
Aubrey. Is. Standing.
Starting to walk, but still reluctant to let go of an object. We tried to load some brief video, but blogspot's being difficult. Or Eitisalat is blocking the transfer. Don't know. We'll figure it out.
December 2 is UAE National Day. We've discovered that the traditional way to celebrate National Day here in Abu Dhabi is to picnic along the Corniche Park while others slow-roll their BMWs, Range Rovers, Cadillac Escalades, Lincoln Navigators or Nissan Patrols along the Corniche, revving motors at maximum RPM, squalling tires and burning great clouds of rubber. The noise from which continues until 2 am in the morning, over the course of three days. Add to this a number of professional and amateur fireworks displays, some of them directly over the house and registering at least a 4 on the Richter scale, accompanied by men on flying chairs towing the national flag over the harbor and two helicopters towing the largest flag on earth -- that's not a joke, at 50,000 square feet, it is in fact the single largest flag on earth -- over the harbor during the day. It's sort of Seurat's "Sunday in the Park With George" combined with a NASCAR rally and a din worthy of Armageddon.
They are proud of the country and they don't spare the noise or enthusiasm. And when you consider how much progress has been made here in only 36 years, well, can you blame them? Not really.
December 3 is also a holiday in the UAE. We theorize that this is because half the cars in town are in the garage having their engines and tires replaced and no one can get to work.
Moving on...
We're doing ok. Aubrey had a bad cold, but come through it well enough without needing major doctor care or medicine. Ah, her mother's immune system, thank heavens... Jenny and Steve have finally dug out from under the various responsibilities, work demands, minor illnesses (cough, cough) that have been dogging them and got the house more or less put together. We're finally getting Pictures on the wall, knick knacks on the tables, and our stuff largely put away in its proper places. It's starting to feel like home.
Blah blah blah. LIke you want to read all this? We know what you want... Bring on the pictures!!

S & J
Now it's December and we're still walking about in shorts, t-shirts and sunglasses. We've figured that we had best start now getting psyched for Christmas; the tree is up, which makes this officially the first time in all the time we've known each other that the tree was actually up on December 1. It may actually be the first time we've gotten the tree up more than 48 hours before Christmas Eve, but that's another story. :-)
Aubrey. Is. Standing.
Starting to walk, but still reluctant to let go of an object. We tried to load some brief video, but blogspot's being difficult. Or Eitisalat is blocking the transfer. Don't know. We'll figure it out.
December 2 is UAE National Day. We've discovered that the traditional way to celebrate National Day here in Abu Dhabi is to picnic along the Corniche Park while others slow-roll their BMWs, Range Rovers, Cadillac Escalades, Lincoln Navigators or Nissan Patrols along the Corniche, revving motors at maximum RPM, squalling tires and burning great clouds of rubber. The noise from which continues until 2 am in the morning, over the course of three days. Add to this a number of professional and amateur fireworks displays, some of them directly over the house and registering at least a 4 on the Richter scale, accompanied by men on flying chairs towing the national flag over the harbor and two helicopters towing the largest flag on earth -- that's not a joke, at 50,000 square feet, it is in fact the single largest flag on earth -- over the harbor during the day. It's sort of Seurat's "Sunday in the Park With George" combined with a NASCAR rally and a din worthy of Armageddon.
They are proud of the country and they don't spare the noise or enthusiasm. And when you consider how much progress has been made here in only 36 years, well, can you blame them? Not really.
December 3 is also a holiday in the UAE. We theorize that this is because half the cars in town are in the garage having their engines and tires replaced and no one can get to work.
Moving on...
We're doing ok. Aubrey had a bad cold, but come through it well enough without needing major doctor care or medicine. Ah, her mother's immune system, thank heavens... Jenny and Steve have finally dug out from under the various responsibilities, work demands, minor illnesses (cough, cough) that have been dogging them and got the house more or less put together. We're finally getting Pictures on the wall, knick knacks on the tables, and our stuff largely put away in its proper places. It's starting to feel like home.
Blah blah blah. LIke you want to read all this? We know what you want... Bring on the pictures!!
The Prisoner's Protest...Hey, What's Up With Baby Jail, Dad?

Afternoon Nap
(Jenny took this while Aubrey was sound asleep...)
Business Meeting
(We took a walk to Spinney's and passed this important convocation on the way there. Well, at least we know why there are no rats in town.)
In Case You Thought We Were Starving
(A couple of pictures inside Spinney's. The deli counter is right behind Jenny, the yogurt and dairy aisle behind that, and the cheese aisle to the left.)
A Wide Selection of Produce
(Mangoes from Kenya and Australia, Australian mandarines, American grapefruit, Jordanian and Iranian melons. It's hard to see the shelves behind, but if you click and look at the larger version it might come clear. About 12 different kinds of apples from the U.S. and France. Add to that the unseen Lebanese potatoes, Dutch tomatoes, Thai strawberries, New Zealand Kiwis, and so on...)
Aubrey Playing With Daddy's Toys

A House Full Of Toys, This Kid Wants To Play With A Hammer
(Well, her pawpaw will be pleased...)

James Cameron, My Eye -- I'M Queen Of The World!

OK, So Who Owns This Bit Up Here?

In The End, It's All A Matter Of Taste

S & J
We theorize that this is because half the cars in town are in the garage having their engines and tires replaced and no one can get to work.
Hahahaha! Good one. :)
Great photos!
Great stories and wonderful pictures! We miss you all. Happy Holidays!
Love, Lisa, Hersh and Sari
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