Six Weeks Old
Happy Birthday, Aubrey! Six weeks old last Thursday. Let's see, what's going on...?
We're getting social smiles. Aubrey is ABSOLUTELY mesmerized with anything that's got lines and contrasting colors. The wrought iron headboard and the wrought iron spiral candle holder that hangs above our bed is a source of endless fascination. The ceiling fan, too. Turn it on slow and it's like Ambien for babies...
Aubrey's not only holding her head up on her own, she's STANDING. No joke. As long as one of us is holding her torso to keep her from toppling over, she can stand and support her own weight and hold her head straight. Now, it lasts mebbe 'bout six, seven, ten seconds and then she kinda forgets that she has to hold her knees locked and sinks back down to a squat. But this surprised us. We're still waiting for her to figure out that she has hands. It's coming soon...
She's grown two inches since birth and -- according to the "step on the scale with her in your arms" method -- she's now 11.5 pounds. Knock off a few ounces for clothing and diaper. We've already had to retire some of the smaller 0-3 month clothing and the smaller 3-6 month clothing is starting to fit. And the baby acne is clearing up!
Still extremely cute. :-)
And now, more pictures...
According to Jenny, The real reason Virginia Tech Basketball is doing so well this season...
S & J
We're getting social smiles. Aubrey is ABSOLUTELY mesmerized with anything that's got lines and contrasting colors. The wrought iron headboard and the wrought iron spiral candle holder that hangs above our bed is a source of endless fascination. The ceiling fan, too. Turn it on slow and it's like Ambien for babies...
Aubrey's not only holding her head up on her own, she's STANDING. No joke. As long as one of us is holding her torso to keep her from toppling over, she can stand and support her own weight and hold her head straight. Now, it lasts mebbe 'bout six, seven, ten seconds and then she kinda forgets that she has to hold her knees locked and sinks back down to a squat. But this surprised us. We're still waiting for her to figure out that she has hands. It's coming soon...
She's grown two inches since birth and -- according to the "step on the scale with her in your arms" method -- she's now 11.5 pounds. Knock off a few ounces for clothing and diaper. We've already had to retire some of the smaller 0-3 month clothing and the smaller 3-6 month clothing is starting to fit. And the baby acne is clearing up!
Still extremely cute. :-)
And now, more pictures...
According to Jenny, The real reason Virginia Tech Basketball is doing so well this season...

Momma & baby

"Yeah, I'm letting him watch now, but wait until the commercial comes on..."

Mommas, don't let your babies grow up to be contestants on American Idol...

S & J
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