Aubrey's First Big Trip
We took Aubrey on her first big trip to visit her grandparents and great-grandmother in Newport News, Virginia. She showed us once again how lucky we are. During the whole three-hour ride down, she woke up for only about five minutes and a quick bottle calmed her down for the rest of the ride. During the ride back, we thought we would have a nightmare with the traffic, but she gave us a break once again. One feeding stop halfway, and a diaper change, but really, not much more than that.
Sweet baby!!
We've been getting smiles galore lately, and a bunch of coos and aahs as she begins to discover that she can use her voicebox for more than howling for food, LOL. No coherent syllables or words yet, just gurgles. She's already starting to hold her head up, sit up for a few seconds with a little help and kick her legs. Bicycling or karate, yet to be determined.
OK, some more pictures.
Four generations:

Aubrey's trip to the Olive Garden:

Asleep on the couch. Look at those cute little pink socks!

We're thinking either Olympic cross-country skiing or crane operator. TBD. Check back in about 20 years.

More Little Hands!!

S & J
Sweet baby!!
We've been getting smiles galore lately, and a bunch of coos and aahs as she begins to discover that she can use her voicebox for more than howling for food, LOL. No coherent syllables or words yet, just gurgles. She's already starting to hold her head up, sit up for a few seconds with a little help and kick her legs. Bicycling or karate, yet to be determined.
OK, some more pictures.
Four generations:

Aubrey's trip to the Olive Garden:

Asleep on the couch. Look at those cute little pink socks!

We're thinking either Olympic cross-country skiing or crane operator. TBD. Check back in about 20 years.

More Little Hands!!

S & J
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