It's Been A Long Time
So, five months later...
Sorry for the long absence, but April, May and June just turned into pretty much hellacious months of work, work, work and more work for Steve, with some minor health problems involved. Jenny has gone back to work part time, also taking up time from other pursuits. Aubrey weathered her first throat and ear infection, popped an eardrum, but it has healed. The spring dust storms of Abu Dhabi were not kind to anyone, least of all Steve's sinuses. We'll dispense with the unnecessary details, but after spending two months pretty much consistently sick, Steve ended up having to come home for treatment and undergo sinus surgery in August. We simply found ourselves snowed under and didn't keep up with the blog.
Let's just pick up where we left off, shall we?
So in July, Jenny and Aubrey came home to the U.S. for a long visit. Steve got stuck staying behind in Abu Dhabi, at least for a while, to get some work done.
Aubrey had a good time finally getting to meet her cousins. Here they are at lunch at Busch Gardens in Virginia.

Now, Daddy might have had to spend an extra month in Abu Dhabi, but don't feel too sorry for him -- he caught up eventually and got to take his baby girl for a little ride on the boat...
(Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my closeup)

...and to the Best Place on Earth!

Aubrey has discovered a great attraction to all animals and just loves making new friends. Hello, Mr. Duck...

We did have a wonderful time in Orlando. Yeah, Disney World is total kitsch and marketing, but it's so much fun to watch Aubrey's reactions to all the new experiences. She got to see animals and shows and characters, and just have all these great new adventures!
Now that said, you have to know that we managed to schedule the trip to Orlando right during the week that Tropical Storm Fay parked on Florida, don't you? Naturally. Still, we didn't get too wet, the parks never closed, and Aubrey was a total trooper -- and a fashion plate -- in her Disney crocs and poncho. The crocs have become a bit of a joke in the family, or at least proof that marketing is alive and well in south Florida. We put Mickey and Minnie buttons in the crocs (she calls them both "meemee"), and Aubrey now will not go to bed unless she has her shoes with her and her Minnie Mouse doll nearby.

We also dropped in at Sea World and Aubrey got to see Shamu the whale. Shamu (or, as Aubrey calls him, "Maa-moo!") is her other new bestest friend from Florida. The Shamu handpuppet joins the Minnie Mouse doll and the crocs in the crib every night.
Or else.
And we mean, or else.

A little finger painting. Portrait of the Artist...

We had to go up to New York City (Steve's surgery), but tried to make the best of it and show Aubrey where Daddy comes from. This was her first trip to the Big Apple. We did all the requisite musts -- real New York pizza, real New York deli, real New York bagels (you getting the idea it's all about the food?) -- and two can't-miss sites. The top of the Empire State Building...

...and the children's petting zoo at Central Park. Aubrey had a hoot feeding the animals and looking at the ducks and turtles and birds. The funny thing is, Steve spent a lot of time in this zoo as a kid, too -- it seemed so much bigger back then. Funny that...

At the end of the day, though, there's nothing like a good, busy coloring session. With Minnie gear, of course. Hey, this red crayon needs a refit...

Playing with food. The joys of babyhood... I can't put my finger on it, but I just like this picture. There's something very 70's about a banana headband. And we don't mean banana-colored, we mean actual banana.

It's nice to be back. Sorry we've been away so long.
S & J
Sorry for the long absence, but April, May and June just turned into pretty much hellacious months of work, work, work and more work for Steve, with some minor health problems involved. Jenny has gone back to work part time, also taking up time from other pursuits. Aubrey weathered her first throat and ear infection, popped an eardrum, but it has healed. The spring dust storms of Abu Dhabi were not kind to anyone, least of all Steve's sinuses. We'll dispense with the unnecessary details, but after spending two months pretty much consistently sick, Steve ended up having to come home for treatment and undergo sinus surgery in August. We simply found ourselves snowed under and didn't keep up with the blog.
Let's just pick up where we left off, shall we?
So in July, Jenny and Aubrey came home to the U.S. for a long visit. Steve got stuck staying behind in Abu Dhabi, at least for a while, to get some work done.
Aubrey had a good time finally getting to meet her cousins. Here they are at lunch at Busch Gardens in Virginia.
Now, Daddy might have had to spend an extra month in Abu Dhabi, but don't feel too sorry for him -- he caught up eventually and got to take his baby girl for a little ride on the boat...
(Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my closeup)
...and to the Best Place on Earth!
Aubrey has discovered a great attraction to all animals and just loves making new friends. Hello, Mr. Duck...
We did have a wonderful time in Orlando. Yeah, Disney World is total kitsch and marketing, but it's so much fun to watch Aubrey's reactions to all the new experiences. She got to see animals and shows and characters, and just have all these great new adventures!
Now that said, you have to know that we managed to schedule the trip to Orlando right during the week that Tropical Storm Fay parked on Florida, don't you? Naturally. Still, we didn't get too wet, the parks never closed, and Aubrey was a total trooper -- and a fashion plate -- in her Disney crocs and poncho. The crocs have become a bit of a joke in the family, or at least proof that marketing is alive and well in south Florida. We put Mickey and Minnie buttons in the crocs (she calls them both "meemee"), and Aubrey now will not go to bed unless she has her shoes with her and her Minnie Mouse doll nearby.
We also dropped in at Sea World and Aubrey got to see Shamu the whale. Shamu (or, as Aubrey calls him, "Maa-moo!") is her other new bestest friend from Florida. The Shamu handpuppet joins the Minnie Mouse doll and the crocs in the crib every night.
Or else.
And we mean, or else.
A little finger painting. Portrait of the Artist...
We had to go up to New York City (Steve's surgery), but tried to make the best of it and show Aubrey where Daddy comes from. This was her first trip to the Big Apple. We did all the requisite musts -- real New York pizza, real New York deli, real New York bagels (you getting the idea it's all about the food?) -- and two can't-miss sites. The top of the Empire State Building...
...and the children's petting zoo at Central Park. Aubrey had a hoot feeding the animals and looking at the ducks and turtles and birds. The funny thing is, Steve spent a lot of time in this zoo as a kid, too -- it seemed so much bigger back then. Funny that...
At the end of the day, though, there's nothing like a good, busy coloring session. With Minnie gear, of course. Hey, this red crayon needs a refit...
Playing with food. The joys of babyhood... I can't put my finger on it, but I just like this picture. There's something very 70's about a banana headband. And we don't mean banana-colored, we mean actual banana.
It's nice to be back. Sorry we've been away so long.
S & J